Montag, 23. Januar 2012 - mein Onlineshop

Seit ich im Juni 2011 mein Abi / Matur auf dem 2. Bildungsweg abgeschlossen habe, bin ich wiederum viel kreativer geworden.
Ich habe angefangen Schmuck zu designen und richtig Spass daran bekommen.
Inspirieren lasse ich mich von allem möglichen, von Zeitschriften, von Blogs, von Filmen, Serien, von Schmuck in Läden, den ich mir nie leisten würde oder könnte.

Angefangen hab ich mit einem "Wrap around Bracelet". Da ich früher schon einmal Schmuck entworfen und verschenk habe, hatte ich noch einiges an Material übrig, das ich dann Versuchsweise in ein solches Armband umwandelte. Ich war sehr zufrieden mit dem ersten "Wrap around Bracelet" und hab es zum Testen auch gleich selber zum Salsa-Unterricht getragen. Da ist es mir kaputt gegangen, da ich zwei Fäden aneinander geknüpft und nicht noch zusätzlich verleimt hatte.
Seither werden die Prototypen immer Probegetragen, so dass ich sicher gehen kann, dass sich nicht irgendwelche Qualitätsmängel eingeschlichen haben.

So in etwa hat das erste Armband ausgesehen:

Seitdem bin ich fleissig am designen und es entstanden nach und nach wunderschöne Einzelstücke:

Mein Freund, aber auch die wenigen andern, denen ich meine Designerstücke vorgeführt hab, waren begeistert. Meine Mutter hat gleich einiges geschenkt gekriegt, weil ich in Ihren Augen gesehen habe, wie sehr ihr die Sachen gefallen. Angefixt von allen aber auch vom Gedanken - meine wunderschönen Schmuckstücke noch an Andern zu sehen, habe ich mich entschlossen, sie in einem Webshop anzubieten.

Das ist nun mein kleines Kind, das ganz schön viel Aufmerksamkeit braucht. Nicht nur die ganze Shop - Bewirtschaftung, mit Bildbearbeitung und Logistik, sondern auch das Umsetzen vieler meiner Schmuckideen in die Realität, haben mich extrem absorbiert. 

Falls ihr nun Lust und Interesse habt und ein Armband,eine Halskette oder ein paar Ohrringe zu erstehen (bei Anfrage sende ich auch nach Deutschland) würde ich mich geehrt fühlen.

Fortsetzung folgt....:-)


Donnerstag, 15. April 2010

Lush, my view

I can`t actually remember why I got into the hype of Lush. It begun before last christmas time, where I visited the first time the Lush store in the city. The employee was very nice and smart in explaining me every single indegrient and how I can use the products in many diffrent ways. So I came home with a bunch of goodies (Buffy, Angel on Bare Skin, Breath of fresh Air - Toner and one from the christmas edition Bubblebars I don`t remember).
Since this time I got into the natural cosmetic, and I can tell I tried a lot of stuff to see if it worked for myself. I got very convinced of the whole face range. But there are also some products which didn`t work for me, and I wouldn`t definitely recommend them.

What I love:


Its an exfoliating scrub, with a very, very special scent. I don`t like it, it smells really a way too natural, and i do definitely like more the flower orientated scents, but its ok, because its doing a great job. Its perfect for scrubbing away the dead cells on your backside, and the pick of the bunch is perfect for lazy people, as I am : you don`t need for body lotion after a shower with buffy :-D

King of Skin

Its similar to buffy, but without the exfoliant particles. Like buffy it also has got a too natural scent, but I still love, love, love this product.

Its the perfect mask when your skin looks dull and stressed, and if your face needs an extra portion of tender love and care. Its a mask which is able to desappear my red flaky skin around the nose and the chin. Its written that this mask is specially for teenage skin, but it did a perfect job although I`m 28 years old :-)

Angels on Bare Skin

Its a cleanser which leaves your skin smooth, fresh and clean. I love its lavender scent.

Veganese Conditioner

I love this conditioner, its the only one from Lrush which convinced me, because it made my frizzy hair easier to comb through and it has got a nice fresh lemony scent. 

Daddy-O Shampoo

Its a great shampoo for grey and blond hair. Its the way how I can conserve the ashy blond in my hair and it has a nice, almost a chemical, but still natural scent.

What I wouldn`t recommend:

Jasmin and Henna Fluff-Eaze 

Its some kind of deep hair conditioner, a hair mask. But it did absolutly nothing to my hair, unless my boyfriend asked me, why my hair has got this awful scent :-( And in fact it smells so disgusting that I`m even no more able to open the lid from the pot)

H'Suan Wen Hua

Its another hair mask, I can`t finish, because theres a certain scent in it, thats getting me a headache. And like the Jasmin one, it does nothing to my hair.

Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010

I love Wigs

Its a great thing to change your hair every day you want to. The time I used to dye my hair in darkbrown I didnt have the possiblity to get another hair color when I was in the mood to. Thats the reason I got myself a wig collection. There are some different colors and the one I definitely love the most is a redish wig. Its such a pretty color and also the quality is really good although I didn`t pay a lot for it (40 sFr. - 36 U$)

With this wig I also had a really great experience when I was out in Zurich and was standing in the restroom, blowdrying my hands and a girl passed by touched my hair and stunned about the color and how nice I looked with it. So I had to confess that this gorgeous hair isn`t really mine and she was so astonished, she barely believed me.
Its such an adventure to go out with a wig and to realize peoples reactions. The time I had dark hair, there were over and over again situations I wanted to at least once and for a short time to be blond. Don`t get me wrong, I loved being a brunette, as I love now being a blonde, but its everytime a desire for something I don`t have got. (For instance I everytime wanted to have straight hair)
So this was for me the perfect chance to get what I wanted without any consequences.

Its also such a pleasure if you don`t want to get identified to wear such an accessory, its perfect for staying incognito :-)

Freitag, 19. Februar 2010


another story about my hair are the extensions.

Do you know the byword: if a women breaks up she need to get her hair cut? In german we use to say that. And I have to admit. 1.5 years ago I was in such a situation and needed to change something about me. These times I used to wear my natural curls darkbrown dyed. But they were short, not as short as you imagine when you hear the word short. For me they were short.
This picture has been shot 5 years ago, but I had exactly this kind of hairstyle befor I did my extensions.

As many of you curly - girls probably also practice - I guess, is to cut your hair yourself, like I did. Thats most likely the reason why my hair didn`t grow longer. But I still wanted to change something. So I did some research, and found finally a lady whos making extensions for a special students price (was about 600 swiss francs). One sunny day in august I went there and came back with long hair down to the lower back. I was so confident, people looked at me which never had looked at me before. I felt completely like a new person, what was really strange, specially when I saw myself in the mirror. But I liked it.

a few weeks after I got the extensions

But there were also downsides I have to mention:
  • You have to take your time washing your hair/your extensions, it took almost three times as long as I used to treat my hair without extensions. Its hard work!
  • If you use hairproducts with alcohol as indegrient, be aware and only wash the lower part with it, because the keratinbondings don`t like alkohol and silcicons either.
  • The kerartinbondings (especially your hairroots too) also don`t like get washed upsidedown. I used to wash my hair under the shower.
  • Never use a fine comb to comb through your hair, it may damage your bondings or worst case, it may rip them out. (ouch!, that will probably happen to you as I have experience in it.)
  • I would also advise to only comb your hair through when its already dry. (as also recommended on hair without bondings, I suppose)
  • The extensions need a special care, because they don`t have nourishing roots as your hair has. Thats why I everyday used a fluid (yes with silicons :-)) all over the lower part.